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Services Utility: Smart Card Service

Display Name (?): Smart Card
Short Name (?): SCardSvr
Executable (?): SCardSvr.exe
Library (?): None.
Depends On (?): Plug and Play
Supports (?): None.
Description (?): Manages access to smart cards read by this computer. If this service is stopped, this computer will be unable to read smart cards. If this service is disabled, any services that explicitly depend on it will fail to start.
OS (?): 2000 Professional, XP Home/Professional, Vista Home/Business, 2000 Server, Server 2003, Vista Server
Startup (?):

Explanation (?):

The smart card service allows Windows to identity and use smart cards used in an attached smart card reader that is based on the personal computer / smart card (PC/SC) consortium standards. Smart cards are secure authentication devices that allow you to perform such tasks as logging into a computer without the need for a password. This service has a resource manager that allocates resources, and a card/reader selection UI that allows programs to use smart cards through Windows APIs. You should leave this service set to manual as it only starts if it is required, however it is safe to disable if you do not have a smart card reader.

Please visit /tools/services/ for the complete Services utility.

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